In this book, Victori combines his life story with his philosophy on art and reflections on the deeper meanings of life through his paintings. Victori’s work depicts historical figures and leaders across music, science, pop culture, government, nature, and world religions. Victori’s search for meaning is illustrated and expressed in more than a thousand Multiplism images reproduced from his oil paintings and sculptures. These images reveal life’s complexities and truths and reflect a multitude of purposes, faiths, and influences, stemming from Victori’s search for meaning in life.
Having painted a number of past presidents and leaders of industry, Victori has had the ear of many successful figures of contemporary American culture. At age 29, Victori emigrated to the United States, speaking virtually no English, and found himself a year later hand-delivering a presidential mural to then president Richard Nixon at the White House. This moment and others like it set him sail on a lifelong journey of studying the dignitaries who rise to the upper echelons of global influence. After five decades of creating his own artistic legacy in pursuit of the truth Victori leads us through his studied insights as to how and why the greatest icons of history came to make their mark. There is wisdom richer than the advice of traditional self-help, or ‘law of attraction’ literature, and in this book Victori takes you on an illustrated journey of what that is by voyaging through the ages’ great ones, their myriad achievements, and a unique philosophy on how to emulate their methods to manifest the life and world you want. This book is for the curious and constantly evolving individual who is interested in expanding their mind through art, introspection, and the one thing that all the greatest have in common.